Plug your headset into the “MIC” and “HEADSET” jacks on the front panel. (Your speakers may be

plugged into the rear of the card or into the front panel as previously described.)


There are two controls on the front panel of your GF-ATC.


●“VOL” is to set the volume you desire of the overall sound to your headset.

●“SQL” stands for squelch. While in your Flight Simulator and with Air Traffic Control (ATC) talking, adjust the SQL control full counter clockwise. The sound of air traffic control should no longer be audible in your headset. Slowly turn the SQL control clockwise until you can hear air traffic control (ATC) again. When air traffic control (ATC) stops speaking, the sound in your head set should also stop.


                                   Adjusting audio sliders 


Setting up your sound in FSX. In order to use the SQ feature on your ATC you need to setup the Audio Sliders in FSX.

To do this open FSX, click on the Settings then Sound. Now you will see four sliders. The Engines slider needs to be adjusted to the left so the SQ will work if the Engine sound is to high the SQ will not cutoff the sound. All other sliders need to be adjusted to a comfortable level.


Note: When plugging your headset in the ATC headset jack you are

getting processed sound, it is going to sound gabbled like aircraft

commutation. If you want clean sound that is not processed use the

Speaker jack on the front of the ATC panel