MCP Pro Operation
The MCP Pro is designed to closely resemble the look and function of the Boeing 737NG aircraft’s MCP (Mode Control Panel) in color, control layout, and dimensions. The “real-world” 737NG MCP is a complex piece of equipment with many displays, knobs, and switches. Its purpose is to give the pilot control of all the various modes of auto flight that are managed by the aircraft’s multiple on-board autopilots and auto throttle systems.
The following are generalized descriptions of each of the panel elements on the MCP Pro control panel, and the corresponding autopilot or auto throttle functions that they perform. (Note: the behavior of certain autopilot functions will vary depending upon the flight simulator software being used, and whether you are flying built-in vs. add-on aircraft packages for products such as Microsoft Flight Simulator.) For specific details about autopilot operation, please refer to this manual’s section “Using the MCP Pro with Microsoft Flight Simulator Default Aircraft”, or consult the documentation included with your other Flight Sim or add- on software. The descriptions below are in alphabetical order, based on each control’s label on the MCP Pro panel.
A CMD Button
This button controls the activation of “Autopilot A”. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “Autopilot A” is engaged.
A CWS Button
This button allows the activation of control wheel steering for “Autopilot A”. When the button’s internal LED is lit, control wheel steering for “Autopilot A” is active.
A/T ARM Toggle Switch and Indicator
This toggle switch controls the arming state of the auto throttle. When the toggle switch handle is in the UP position the auto throttle is armed, and the indicator will light up. To disarm the auto throttle, move the toggle switch handle to the DOWN position.
ALT HLD Button
This button controls activation of the “Altitude Hold” mode of the autopilot. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “Altitude Hold” mode is active.
This controls the activation of the “Altitude Intervention” function of the autopilot.
ALTITUDE Adjustment Knob and Display
This knob selects an altitude value, and is used to establish and maintain the aircraft’s altitude whenever the “ALT HLD” button beneath the knob is activated. The currently-selected altitude is shown on the 5-digit LED display beneath the ALTITUDE label on the panel.
APP Button
This button controls the activation of the “Approach mode” of the autopilot. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “Approach mode” is active.
B CMD Button
This button controls the activation of “Autopilot B”. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “Autopilot B” is engaged.
B CWS Button
This button allows the activation of “control wheel steering” for Autopilot B. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “control wheel steering” for Autopilot B is active.
COURSE Adjustment Knob and Display
There are two independent COURSE knob/display sets on the MCP Pro, one located at the far left of the panel, and the other at the far right. The knobs allow selection of value from 1 to 360 degrees. The displayed values represent radials to VOR stations that are tuned on the NAV1 and/or NAV2 radios. The VOR LOC button, located between the HEADING and ALTITUDE knobs, is used in conjunction with the COURSE function of the MCP Pro.
C/O Button
The Change Over button is used to toggle the speed display between IAS (Indicated Airspeed) and
MACH (Mach Number) readout.
The disengage control bar’s purpose is to quickly turn off any and all functions of the autopilot. This allows the pilot to regain manual control of the aircraft at any desired time. When the disengage control bar is in the DOWN position, the autopilot is disengaged and no autopilot modes will function. When the bar is in the UP position, the autopilot can be activated, and its modes engaged or disengaged using the individual panel buttons.
Note that the disengage control bar does not affect the operation of the auto throttle, or any of the auto throttle-related modes.
F/D Toggle Switch and Indicator
There are two independent sets of F/D (Flight Director) toggle switch/indicator pairs on the MCP Pro; one located at the far left of the panel, and the other located at the far right. These switches allow activation and deactivation of the Flight Director function of the autopilot, and allow either left- or right seat pilot to optionally show the Flight Director bars on their respective flight display.
HDG SEL Button
This button controls activation of the Heading Hold function. When the button’s internal LED is lit, the
Heading Hold mode is engaged.
HEADING Adjustment Knob and Display
This knob selects a heading value from 1 to 360 degrees, and is used to establish and maintain the aircraft’s heading when the HDG SEL button beneath the knob is activated. The currently-set value is shown on the 3-digit LED display beneath the HEADING label on the panel.
IAS/MACH (Speed) Adjustment Knob and Display
This knob selects an airspeed value, displayed in either Knots Indicated Airspeed (IAS) or MACH Number, on the 3-digit LED display under the IAS/MACH label on the panel. On aircraft featuring an auto throttle, this is used to establish and maintain the aircraft’s speed when the SPEED button beneath the knob is activated. Pushing the C/O button located underneath the display causes the speed readout to alternate between IAS and MACH units.
LNAV Button*
This button controls activation of the LNAV (Lateral Navigation) function of the autopilot. When the
button’s internal LED is lit, the VNAV mode is engaged.
LVL CHG Button
This button controls activation of the Flight Level Change function of the autopilot. When the button’s
internal LED is lit, the Flight Level Change mode is engaged.
N1 Button
This button controls the activation of the THRUST N1 function of the auto throttle. When the button’s internal LED is lit, the THRUST N1 mode is engaged.
VERT SPEED Adjustment Wheel and Display
The Vertical Speed adjustment wheel selects a rate of climb or descent. The aircraft will attempt to maintain the selected rate whenever the V/S button beneath the wheel is activated. The currently elected rate is shown on the 5-digit LED display beneath the VERT SPEED label on the panel.
SPEED Button
This button controls activation of the “Speed Hold” function of the auto throttle. When the button’s internal
LED is lit, the “Speed Hold” mode is engaged.
SPD INTV Button*
This button controls the activation of the “Speed Intervention” function of the autopilot.
V/S Button
This button controls the activation of the “Vertical Speed Hold” function of the autopilot. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “Vertical Speed Hold” mode is engaged.
VNAV Button*
This button controls the activation of the “VNAV” (Vertical Navigation) function of the autopilot. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “VNAV” mode is engaged.
VOR LOC Button
This button controls the activation of the “VOR LOC” (Localizer) Hold function of the autopilot. When the button’s internal LED is lit, “VOR LOC” Hold mode is engaged.
* These controls can be used with advanced add-on aircraft products for Microsoft® Flight Simulator that are available from third party developers. When operating in FS DEFAULT mode with Flight Simulator’s built-in aircraft, these controls do not function because these functions are
not programmed or included by Microsoft.